Cold & Hot Observable

Single Value Multiple Value
Synchronous COLD Observable COLD Observable
Asynchronous COLD Observable (Ajax) | HOT Observable (Promise) HOT Observable

We can categorize by native type behind but there is also the possibility to heat up a Cold Observable

Cold Observable

Cold Observable schema
Like a synchronous code behaviour

Hot Observable

Cold Observable schema
Like a asynchronous code behaviour

Replay vs Resubscribe

Observable replay the pipeline can be considered like Hot events are buffered internally

Promise Hot usual caveat: Here

=> Solution consist to wrap the [Fetch|XHR] in a higher order Observable: Here

What's the temperature today?

Temperature depends on:

=> Control the temperature by wrapping or not the data source

COLD is when your observable creates the producer.
HOT is when your observable closes over the producer.
Ben Lesh on Medium

Cool Down Hot Observable

Avoid the side effect by wrapping and instantiating a new [Promise|WebSocket] inside the "Producer" function


Heat Up Cold Observable

Outside the data source from the Producer.
Decoupled the subscription from the activation of the event source

        const source$ = Rx.Observable.timer(0, 1000)
            .do(num => {
                console.log(`Running some code with ${num}`);
            // Here stream become hot-by-operator
            const shared$ = source$.share();


            const myObserver = (name) => {
                return {
                    next: x => {
                        console.log(`Next: ${name} ${x}`)
                    error: err => {
                        console.log(`Error: ${err}`)
                    complete: () => {

Warm Observable vs Hot Observable

Unsubscription liability?

RxJS liability? True True
(share, fromEvent)
=> memory leak Only concern manual Multicasting operator (publish)

Numbers of pipeline

0 0 0 1
1 1 1 1
X X 1 1